Saturday, February 4, 2017

English IV Assignment // Most Popular Indonesian Foods

As we know, Indonesia is a huge country which composed of 17,508 islands. But there are 7 well-known islands in Indonesia, which are: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Lombok, Bali, and Papua. Those islands have their own culture and characteristic. And of course, each culture has their own typical-traditional-food.

            If we look closer, most of Indonesian foods are so popular, both in the country and abroad. However, there are so many tourists who come from other country just to taste those popular and tasty foods that they have heard or seen in the article.

             And now, I would like to tell you the most popular foods in my country, Indonesia.

           The first one is Rendang. Rendang is the most popular dish which comes from Padang, a city in West Sumatra. And for your information, Rendang is Indonesia most delicious food in the world, which claimed by UNESCO. Rendang is made from beef that cooked with coconut milk and a lot of herbs and spices. Such as lemongrass (Sereh), orange leaves, nutmeg (biji pala), and so on. It also a bit spicy, because it use chili as one of the most important ingredients to make rendang. And now, I bet you’re start to think, “Where we can find this kind of dish?” Let me tell you. If now you’re in Indonesia, just find a restaurant named “Restoran Padang” which usually named “Minang Sepakat” or “Salero Bundo” or whatever it named. Because every day, they always serving rendang. But recently, there are some Indonesian people whose live abroad also open their Padang Restaurant in the country they lived in.

            And the next is Nasi Goreng. Nasi goreng or Fried Rice is also well-known as Indonesia most delicious food in the world. Nasi goreng is made from rice which mixed with vegetables (such as: cabbage, caisim, leeks, etc) and/or sliced meatball, chicken, and scrambled egg. You can find nasi goreng in the street stall (pedagang kaki lima) from the afternoon until midnight. But if you are craving for nasi goreng in your lunch time, you can buy it in the restaurant.

And then, Gado-Gado. Gado-gado is usually known as Indonesian salad because it is made from mix vegetables and has a dressing. But if we compare to the western, gado-gado and salad is actually different. Because, western salad is usually served from fresh fruits and vegetables, and a dressing (you can pick your favorite one—because there are so many kinds of dressing for salad, actually). But gado-gado is made from boiled vegetables which mixed with peanut sauce as a dressing. But don’t worry, the taste is really good.

            The last but not least, Ayam Goreng. Ayam Goreng is actually an Indonesian traditional fried chicken. Even though there are a lot of fast food restaurant (like McDonalds, Lotteria, etc) that serves fried chicken, but ayam goreng is really different from what common fast food restaurant serves. Ayam goreng is chicken that cooked with mix herbs and spices for ± 2 hours (usually called “di ungkeb”) and after that they fry it until the color turns golden brown. Ayam goreng is really perfect if it is served with warm rice, sambal (Indonesian traditional spicy sauce), fried tempe and tahu, and also lalapan (raw vegetables, such as; cucumber, cabbage, kemangi leaves, and long beans). 

            Actually, there are still a lot of popular yet delicious and unique Indonesian dish that I could not mention and explain all of them here. But I’m 100% sure that you will like all of those kind of foods. Because not only has a good taste, but most of Indonesian foods are also popular in some country. Just like so many tourists who come from other country just to taste those popular and tasty Indonesian foods that they have heard or seen in the article.

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